Titans Sales Exec. Mary-Kate Wichalonis assaults security guard after sneaking boyfriend into Whiskey Row

23-year-old Model & Tennessee Titans Sales Executive Mary-Kate Wichalonis had an altercation with a security guard, Noah Williams, at Whiskey Row around 11:12 p.m. on June 18th. When officers arrived, they located Wichalonis on the ground, detained by security. Officers asked security to back up so they could speak with Wichalonis. While officers walked with her to their patrol car, they noticed she showed several signs of impairment and reeked of alcohol. Then, officers spoke with Williams, who stated he witnessed Wichalonis attempting to sneak her boyfriend into the bar. Williams added that when he went to remove Wichalonis, she became aggressive and struck him six times in the head before other security guards took her down. Another security guard corroborated Williams’ statements. Then, when officers asked Wichalonis about the occurrence, she stated she tried sneaking her boyfriend in because he had lost his ID. Initially, Wichalonis qualified for a citation but refused to give officers her fingerprints, so they detained her. Wichalonis was taken into custody for public intoxication and assault on June 19th.

Man strangles his girlfriend and drives her to a remote park before she escapes

Feat Shack Thomas

33-year-old Thomas Shack was charged with domestic assault after attacking his girlfriend in the back of his car and driving her to a park where she finally escaped and fled to a nearby house to call the police.