Arrest: Man throws girlfriend’s black dildo from balcony, assaults her with pink one, police say

Police arrested Christopher Chapman, 26, after he allegedly pulled a blanket off his girlfriend, and tossed her black dildo from the 3rd floor balcony, then retrieved her pink dildo and struck her in the face.

Lost & Found: East Nashville Weekend Edition

It was a wild and crazy weekend in East Nashville. As part of Mayor Megan Barry’s ‘Spring Clean’ a few items were found over the weekend, that were true East Nashville. Not all found items were from the cleanup, some of them were just neighborhood finds, much like last weeks dildo on a fire hydrant! If you want to claim these items, however, it is most likely too late. So what all was found? Scroll down for the full size photos. This gem, lube included, was found in an East…

Stay Weird, East Nashville! Free Pooper Finds Free Bidet?

Just before noon today, this was spotted on Greenland! The gentleman in the photo is actually known as the “Free Pooper” around the neighborhood, for his past instances of leaving his feces in alleyways where he likes to take dumps. Fire in the hole? Hot Chicken gone wrong? Not to be confused with a few days ago: A Hard Water Problem? Could the two be linked? You decide! Stay weird, East Nashville!