Emails reveal Metro Council member conspired with Codes to issue illegal permit for home business

All Metro Council member Russ Pulley had to do was tell his constituent ‘NO’, he wouldn’t help her break the law. Instead, he conspired with codes to issue her an illegal permit to have a business with customers coming to her home – a privilege denied to every other Nashvillian. It turns out ‘NEW’ Nashville is just as corrupt as ‘old’ Nashville.

Ona SkinCare Discloses Client’s Botox Treatment to 1,000’s of East Nashvillians, Lies About ‘Hack’

The official response from Ona SkinCare is “our email has been hacked” – however the truth is that an employee accidentally added the East Nashville Listserv/Google Groups email address in a reply to a customer – sending that response, including details such as their Botox treatment and other private purchases, to thousands of email recipients on Tuesday. If no one knew this client had Botox work done before, all of East Nashville know now. There was no hack, just a mistake that an employee won’t own up to. It all…

Postmates Internal Email Support Backlog: It’s worse than you imagined

Last month we got word that the backlog of email being sent to the individual CMs (Community Managers of each city) was beyond belief… in addition to the standard support@ / couriersupport@ backlogs, which were both over a week or more on their own. Here’s when the issue was first brought to our attention.. there was nearly a 14 day backlog before the email would be seen in the system, much less assigned and given a complete response – and if a follow up question was needed to complete a…