ENN’s 7 Best Voicemails of 2017

This is historically the slowest news week every year, so let’s look back at 2017. We get a LOT of voicemail on the tip line (615-669-TIPS). Most are actual tips or backstory about things we have published, or story ideas/tips. However there are a large number of death threats, angry reactions, and just people screaming at us. In 20017 we received over 70 such voicemails, that were basically threats, hate, or just humorous. In honor of the end of the 2017 year, we give you the 7 Best voicemails we’ve…

Jason ‘J Curly’ Speegle Arrested for Urinating on 2 Chairs in Wendy’s, Public Intoxication

Jason ‘J Curly’ Speegle was the lead guitarist for Rock ‘n Roll Hall of Famer Leon Russell. He’s shared the stage with Dave Mason, Willie Nelson, & many others. However this Christmas season found him in a Nashville Wendy’s on Saturday, where according to a sworn police report, he urinated on himself on 2 different seats, wetting them, after stumbling around and falling off his chair. This was around 3PM on the Saturday before Christmas. He’s wasn’t homeless or panhandling, according to the MNPD, he was just drunk at a Wendy’s in the…