David Tietjen removed from Nashville Palace, tells officers, “Just take me to jail!”

56-year-old David Karl Tietjen was drunk and disorderly at Nashville Palace Bar this weekend. An NPB bartender told officers that Tietjen was asked to leave, left, and continued to try to reenter after being told he was no longer welcome on the property. Tietjen stated he was waiting on an Uber as officers observed him to be visibly intoxicated, and he even admitted to having nine alcoholic drinks. Officers were waiting for confirmation that he requested an Uber when he asked them, “What are we doing? Are we waiting for an Uber, or am I going to jail?” Tietjen walked to the officer’s patrol car and pulled the door handle as they tried to help him locate his Uber, and then he said, “Just take me to jail.” Tietjen was taken into custody for public intoxication.