Andrew Smith strangles man multiple times during altercation at Airbnb

35-year-old Andrew Smith was caught after strangling Cory Kline while at a Wedgewood Avenue AirBnB on July 6th. When the officers arrived at the scene, Kline informed them that he had been assaulted by Smith, whom he identified to them. Kline told the officers that he was from Indiana and had come to the residence, which was an Airbnb, with some family and friends meeting for the first time. Kline informed the officers that he had met Smith earlier that day and that they had no previous relationship. Kline also told officers that Smith had been drinking throughout the day and had become verbally hostile toward other people at the gathering. According to Kline, he was upstairs when he heard a loud noise that he believed was coming from downstairs. Kline then proceeded to investigate but could not locate the noise. Smith then came downstairs with other party members and began cursing Kline out. Kline told the officers that Smith had called him a “b*tch” and then got into his face. Feeling threatened, Kline pushed Smith away lightly, telling him to sleep it off and go to bed.

Smith responded to this by grabbing Kline by his throat with his left hand. Kline noted that Smith applied pressure and pushed him up against the counter of the kitchen, strangling him for a few seconds. Kline then informed the officers that Smith attempted to punch him in the face but ended up hitting his hands as he tried to block the strike. Officers noticed Kline had a small cut on his index finger. Smith then put Kline in a headlock, causing his glasses to fall off. Kline then struck Smith in the face. Kline said he tried to defend himself as they both fell to the ground at the edge of the stairs. He told officers that he felt as though Smith was trying to push him down the stairs before they both fell. Kline stated that while on the ground, Smith began strangling him again before other members of the gathering pulled Smith off of him. Smith left the scene before the officers arrived. Officers also spoke with Heidi Bollero-Hensel, who witnessed the altercation and provided an unbiased account of what happened, supporting Kline’s statements. Smith was considered the primary aggressor and was arrested the next day for aggravated assault on July 7th.

Benjamin Jones strangles ex-girlfriend, threatens to kill her and her boyfriend

44-year-old Benjamin Jones had a domestic incident with his ex-girlfriend, Julia Waters, at the parking garage near Kensington Place and 25th Avenue South on June 18th.  On June 22nd, Waters went to the Midtown Hills Police Precinct on 12th Avenue and reported the incident. She told authorities that Jones asked her to talk to him at his office, a trailer inside the parking garage. Waters said she called him multiple times while heading to the location, telling him she did not want to come, but he insisted she did. When she arrived, Jones told her to come inside or leave. Waters told officers that since Jones was previously abusive, she didn’t want to make him angry. Once inside, Jones started yelling at her, saying, “Why are you doing this? You know this is a trigger for me when you keep calling me.” Jones told Waters she was trying to start an argument and make him mad. She said he asked her to bring him water, and when she handed it to him, he poured it over her head. Jones then grabbed her by the neck, pushed her against the door, and began to “choke” her. While doing so, Waters told him that she could not breathe and pleaded for him to stop. Jones responded by screaming, “Stop talking!” Waters said while trying to break away, she scratched him on the face, and he fell to the floor. She added that Jones tried to “choke” her again, but after a brief struggle, he stood up. Officers observed several visible injuries consistent with her statements.

Additionally, Waters stated that Jones locked the doors and demanded that she sit. Jones proceeded to push her into a chair, causing her to hit a table in his office, leaving a bruise on her waist. Waters said that Jones told her to stay there so they could talk about what had happened. She explained that she wanted to leave but could not because she did not want to be attacked again. Waters noted that every time she glanced at the door, Jones said, “Keep your feet right there.” During their argument, Jones threatened to kill her and her boyfriend if she did not end their relationship. When Waters asked him if she could smoke a cigarette outside, he allowed her to do so. Once Waters was out of the trailer, she started running to her car, and Jones said, “Yeah, you better run bitch.” Waters also stated that Jones tried contacting her after the altercation, but she blocked his number. Benjamin Jones was taken into custody for aggravated assault on June 23rd.

Joseph Harper refuses to leave Tribe after being kicked out multiple times, tells police “I’m just being dumb”

22-year-old Joseph Harper was causing a disturbance at Tribe on Church Street in the early hours of April 21st. When officers arrived, they spoke with Travis Staten, a security guard for the establishment. Staten stated that Harper had been told he was not allowed on the property multiple times, adding that Harper keeps returning. Staten said that Harper was asked to exit the club that night and returned after an unidentified friend provided him with a bracelet to re-enter. Officers located Staten in the lobby and asked him why he kept coming to Tribe despite being told to leave multiple times, and he told them, “I’m just being dumb.” Harper was cited for the incident that night. Harper was later booked on the citation of criminal trespassing on May 13th.

DUI: Brandon Swann crashes car after drinking at Morgan Wallen concert

27-year-old Brandon Swann was involved in a car accident at Exit 5 on I-440 West on May 5th. Officers arrived and contacted Swann, who seemed confused about how the crash happened. Swann also needed help understanding questions from officers and had to have them repeated to him. While speaking to Swann, officers noticed the smell of an alcoholic beverage as well as other indicators of intoxication. Officers asked Swann if he had been drinking, and he replied that he had had a beer at the Morgan Wallen Concert. This prompted officers to request that Swann perform field sobriety tests. Swann consented to the sobriety tests but performed them poorly. Swann was taken into custody and read his Miranda Rights. Swann recanted his statement and said he had two beers at the Morgan Wallen Concert. Officers read Swann implied consent, to which he agreed to provide a breath sample. The breath sample came back as a .155% BAC. Brandon Swann was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence.

Pashelle Wilson assaults girlfriend during argument about breaking up

26-year-old Pashelle Wilson had a domestic incident with her girlfriend, Carone Edwards, at her Nolensville Pike apartment on May 2nd. When officers arrived, they spoke with Wilson, who stated she and Edwards argued over their relationship issues, which escalated when they started to “wrestle”, leaving a small laceration on her foot. Wilson said that Edwards’s daughter broke up the altercation.

When officers spoke with Edwards, she stated she told Wilson she wanted to end their relationship and attempted to leave, which was when Wilson started pushing her, sparking a scuffle, where Wilson pulled her by her arm into her daughter’s room and continued fighting with her until her daughter intervened.

After the fight, Wilson locked herself in Edward’s bedroom and started damaging her belongings, including a vase, a gold watch, and a bottle of perfume, totaling around $300. Her daughter provided officers with a video showing Edwards’s shirt torn and ripped from the occurrence. Wilson was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault and vandalism.

Patient goes wild at Centennial Hospital: Kristian Overton puts doctor in “chokehold”

21-year-old Kristian Overton had an altercation with a doctor in the emergency room, Daniel James Morris, at Centennial Hospital in the early hours of March 30th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Morris, who stated that Overton was admitted for a medical-related incident and was highly intoxicated. While Morris was treating Overton, he was uncooperative, ignoring orders to remain in bed. Shortly after, Overton told hospital staff he needed to use the restroom, or he would go all over the room. Hospital staff assisted Overton to the bathroom, during which he became verbally combative. Overton began threatening staff and “squirming” on the ground. Morris and other staff members then tried helping Overton back to his bed. Overton started to fight with staff, prompting them to carry him to his room. During the scuffle, Morris stated that Overton placed his arm around his neck, trying to “choke” him, and after he broke free, staff placed Overton in the bed. While they were placing Overton down, he bit Morris on top of his right hand, leaving a visible wound. Several hospital employees advised officers that they witnessed Overton put Dr. Morris in a “chokehold” and bite him. Morris wished to prosecute for the assault. Overton was taken into custody for aggravated assault on March 30th.

Montana Culver pulls boyfriend by hair, punches him in face during argument

23-year-old Montana Sky Culver was involved in a domestic disturbance with her boyfriend, Anakin Yance Jones, at their shared residence on Lincoya Bay Drive late December 31st. Officers arrived and spoke with Culver, who advised them that she had returned from work, and an argument ensued regarding relationship issues. Culver was visibly intoxicated as she admitted to drinking that night. Then, Culver stated that Jones locked her out of the house amid the verbal altercation. Culver denied any acts or threats of violence but told officers that she threw a cinder block through the back window when she could not get inside. They spoke with Jones, who said they began to argue when Culver returned from work. Culver then grabbed him by the hair, pulling him off the couch. Then, he says, they began to wrestle, and she struck him in the face. Jones went outside to his truck to separate himself from the situation, but Culver followed. He returned to the apartment and locked her out, so she grabbed a cinder block and threw it through the back sliding door to get inside. This caused him to run to his room and lock the door. He said he could hear her destroying items in the house when he called the police. Officers observed a laceration to the left side of his face and hair pulled from his head as they were advised he wished to prosecute. Culver was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.

A’Dara Pittman destroys neighbor’s security camera, ex-boyfriend’s car with hammer

32-year-old A’Dara Pittman called officers to her residence on Bell Road on November 4th. Pittman spoke with them as they arrived and advised them that she smashed the windows of the SUV that belonged to her ex-boyfriend, Carlos Atkins, with a hammer. Officers observed the smashed windows and the hammer, correlating to her statements, and were unable to contact Atkins. While outside the residence Pittman became irate when officers tried to clarify some statements made by her. Pittman then ran over to the vehicle and stated, “I smashed this window out, this window out, and smashed these mirrors”. Pittman later began arguing with her neighbor, officers were able to separate her and her neighbor. Officers had to calm Pittman down before she returned to her apartment for the night. Officers were then summoned back for a separate incident regarding Pittman knocking her neighbor’s surveillance camera off the apartment building. Pittman admitted to destroying the camera and throwing it toward the wood line behind the apartment complex. She was taken into custody for disorderly conduct and vandalism.

Taven Romesser slaps his girlfriend after she throws his phone

24-year-old Taven Romesser told police that he and his girlfriend got into an argument downtown when they showed up at his residence on Lebanon Pike early Monday morning. He said that while downtown, he gave his girlfriend, Margret Gates, his phone by accident, and she attempted to throw his phone. He said in response, he slapped her in the face, and police noticed a bruise on her cheek. Margret told police that she never hit him and did not wish for him to be arrested. Taven said that when they got home, they argued more, and he left the apartment to sleep in his car. Margret followed him outside, he said, putting her hand on the car door so he could not close it. At this time, he closed the door on her fingers. They said there were no ill intentions between them, and Taven said he knew the neighbors called the police due to their arguing.

Cassandra Buckley tosses her boyfriend’s phone off bridge into the river

Police say 29-year-old Cassandra Buckley tossed the cell phone of her lover, Dominic Cocchiola, into a river. The victim told police he believed Buckley stole his phone, broke it, and tossed it over a bridge into the water. Buckley admitted to the vandalism and was taken into custody.