Wilfredo Lagos Armas stabs ex-boyfriend during altercation

31-year-old Wilfredo Lagos Armas had an altercation with his ex-boyfriend, Jose Eduardo Velazquez Gildo, at the apartments on Wallace Road Monday morning. Gildo advised officers that Armas was fighting other roommates when he entered the living room and told him to stop. Then, Armas grabbed a knife and tried to stab him. Gildo put his hands up in self-defense, resulting in a cut that required stitches. Armas fled the scene to a nearby gas station and told officers that he had never fought with his roommates and that Gildo had attacked him first. He said that Gildo grabbed him and began to apologize when he backed away. Armas stated he was unsure of how Gildo cut his hand. Wilfredo was deemed the primary aggressor and taken into custody for aggravated assault.