Rosmary Soto-Inciarte grabs roommates face, punches her 8-10 times after being woken up

30-year-old Rosmary Soto-Inciarte had a domestic altercation with one of her roommates, Denia Irery Escudero-Martinez, at their Ruffian Way residence in the early hours of April 11th. Officers were dispatched to Harpeth Cleaners, where Escudero-Martinez works, to speak with her. Upon arrival, she told officers that she and her boyfriend, Irvin Martinez-Reyes, who also lives there, were trying to leave for work and noticed their car was blocked in. The couple went to Soto-Inciarte and her boyfriend’s room to ask them to move it. Escudero-Martinez said that Soto-Inciarte became angry because they were woken up and started arguing with them, during which Soto-Inciarte struck her 8 to 10 times on her arms and in her face. Escudero-Martinez said Soto-Inciarte, then grabbed her face and pulled her hair for several minutes until their boyfriends intervened. Escudero-Martinez showed officers the swelling and scratches on her face and a large bruise on her right arm. Then, she advised that she wished to prosecute for the incident and wanted to seek an Order of Protection when she got home from work. Soto-Inciarte was taken into custody for domestic assault.