DUI: Mason Oconner passed out behind the wheel, found with glass pipe and tinfoil

29-year-old Mason Gage Oconner was slumped over at the wheel in his silver Acura near Old Hickory Boulevard and Hickory Trace Drive on the night of April 22nd. Multiple citizens observed this and alerted the authorities, flagging them down. When officers arrived, they noticed Oconner was hunched over with a glass pipe and tinfoil lying on his lap and stopped in the right traffic lane while his car was still running. After extensively commanding him to wake up, he finally regained consciousness and parked his car. Officers requested him to exit the vehicle, during which he tried to hide the glass pipe and tinfoil. Officers retrieved the paraphernalia and submitted it as evidence after they detained him. Under Miranda, he admitted to ingesting fentanyl before driving, so officers requested a medic to evaluate him. After being medically cleared, he agreed to provide a blood sample. Oconner was taken into custody for driving under the influence and the unlawful use of drug paraphernalia.