DUI: Matthew Odlum drives into concrete wall near Apple Store after drinking

37-year-old Matthew Ryan Odlum drove into a concrete wall inside the parking garage near the Apple Store in the early hours of March 26th. When the officers arrived, Odlum was sleeping behind the wheel, so they approached the vehicle. Officers reached through the passenger side to turn it off. Officers then woke Odlum up, and he was extremely confused. Officers identified themselves as Odlum explained that he was preparing for his trip out of town. As they spoke, officers noticed he reeked of alcohol and asked him to exit the vehicle. Odlum held himself up on his vehicle as he admitted to drinking earlier in the day but did not specify how much he had. Odlum consented to sobriety tests but could not complete them due to his level of intoxication. Officers discovered Odlum had a prior DUI conviction in May 2018. This requires officers to get a mandatory search warrant for a blood draw. Odlum provided two vials of blood and was detained. Odlum was taken into custody for driving under the influence 2nd offense.