Stephanie Lavalley drunkenly yells racial slurs at officers

28-year-old Stephanie Lynn Lavalley was drunk at One Hotel on the morning of November 12th. Officers were dispatched regarding a kidnapping and spoke with Lavalley, who was visibly intoxicated and repeatedly asked what happened to her baby, who she later said was in New Jersey. One of the hotel staff members spoke with officers and advised them that Lavalley walked up to her and said a man in a van attempted to kidnap her. The staff provided footage of the incident showing that Lavalley arrived in a minivan, walked away, turned around, ran back, got into the front seat, and spoke with the driver as he handed her his phone. Then, Lavalley exited the van, ran back again, and opened the doors to look for something; the driver walked over to her and spoke with her before she walked to the hotel staff. Officers asked Lavalley where she was staying and who she was with. Lavalley could not answer, so they placed her under arrest. Lavalley then began to yell racial slurs, telling the officers that they had small penises and that she would be laughing when their mother died. Then, she began to laugh maniacally in the back of the patrol car as she was taken into custody for public intoxication.