Robert Hunt grabs, scratches, & throws pregnant woman on ground during altercation

29-year-old Robert Hunt was involved in a domestic altercation with Ayanna Saafir, a pregnant woman, on July 13th. On July 15th, officers visited The Family Safety Center on Murfreesboro Pike and spoke with Saafir. Saafir told officers that on July 13th, Hunt became physical with her. Saafir stated that Hunt grabbed, scratched, and threw her around the house. She stated this resulted in her having to go to the hospital due to her being pregnant and having contractions. Saafir also informed officers that the bruising on her right arm and wrist was from Hunt being physical to her. Saafir also claimed that on the 14th, the following day, when she returned from the hospital, Hunt once again became physical. Saafir stated Hunt pushed her to the kitchen floor, causing visible bruising to her left arm. Officers observed these injuries, which were consistent with the statements made. Hunt was then deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault on July 15th.

Ayanna Saafir assaults boyfriend, throws his belongings outside after he checked her phone

26-year-old Ayanna Saafir had a domestic altercation with her boyfriend, Robert Hunt, on May 15th. When officers arrived, they spoke with both parties and were advised that they argued because Saafir disappeared for about an hour. This triggered Hunt to look through her phone. This upset Saafir, so she threw his phone, clothes, and other belongings outside. Hunt tried to stop her, to which she responded by scratching him on his face and neck, leaving visible injuries. Saafir claimed that Hunt was pushing and hitting her during the altercation. Due to Hunt’s visible injuries, Saafir was determined to be the primary aggressor. Saafir was taken into custody for domestic assault.