Christian Dewaratanawanich smashes boyfriend’s head with candle during breakup

28-year-old Christian Dewaratanawanich was jailed on June 27th after assaulting his boyfriend at their home at Brighton Valley Apartments. Ethan Hall told police that he and Christian got into an argument, and he suggested they break up, which sent Christian into a rage. Christian started throwing things and yelling at Ethan as Ethan tried to calm him down because they just moved into the apartments, and their neighbors could hear the commotion. Christan threw a candle jar at Ethan’s head, causing a bloody gash. Sergio was on the phone with Ethan during the incident. Sergio drove over to the apartments when police arrived and told them he heard Christian yelling at Ethan and Ethan urging him to stop so they don’t disturb the neighbors. Sergio added this is not the first time Christian has been physical with Ethan. Ethan told police he had never reported previous incidents. Based on Ethan’s visible injuries and the statements of the incident, officers obtained a warrant on Ethan’s behalf despite him not wanting to press charges.