Brock Wall kicked in face by wife with “extensive martial arts training” during argument over divorce

38-year-old Brock Wall was involved in a domestic altercation with his wife, Jessica Wall, at their Thunderbird Drive residence on April 8th. Upon contact with Jessica, officers observed that there was blood on the side of her head and blood splattered on her clothes. Jessica stated that she and Brock were drinking and got into an argument. The topic of divorce came up, and Brock got upset. Brock then got up and grabbed Jessica by the throat. Jessica stated she has “extensive martial arts training,” so she defended herself by kicking him in the face. When officers met with Brock, he had a bloody rag and a frozen bag of peas on the floor where he was lying. Brock would not give officers any clear statements and stated that his wife’s side of the story was only 95% correct. Brock was transported to Nashville General Hospital, where it was revealed that he had two bite marks on his left shoulder as well as scratch marks. Brock Wall was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault on April 9th.