Brittany Little sprays husband in face with disinfectant, bites his arm

37-year-old Brittany Little was involved in a domestic altercation with her husband, John Little, at Westchester Drive on December 17th. John had his family members over for the evening. Brittany had a problem with their loudness, so she texted John and told him they needed to leave. This led to John becoming upset and deciding to sleep on the couch. After John went to sleep, she went downstairs to disinfect the house due to his sick family members. She began spraying near him while he was trying to sleep, which upset him, so he approached her. When John approached her, Brittany sprayed him into his face, so he pushed her into the door. While he was holding her at the door, he held one of her arms up so she bit his bicep to get him off of her. When officers questioned John, he said that he slept on the couch due to marital issues, and that was when Brittany started to spray him, which was when he got upset. He then stated that Brittany continued to spray him, and that was when he put out his arms and approached her to get her to stop using the spray. While John was attempting to get the spray from her, she bit his arm, leaving visible abrasions to his arm. Brittany Little was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.