20-year-old Canadian arrested while drinking at Jason Aldean’s Bar — John Abbott Matthew

Metro Nashville Police say 20-year-old John Abbott Matthew was drinking alcohol at Jason Aldean’s Bar in downtown Nashville and was “heavily intoxicated”. He was unable to walk or stand without help and refused to leave when asked to do so by bar staff. He had become a “nuisance” according to police, and when they checked his identification, realized he was only 20 years of age.

You can’t arrest me, I’m French Canadian — Alexandre Drolet Pollock, arrested.

25-year-old Alexandre Drolet Pollock told police “you can’t arrest me, I’m French Canadian” when he was found stumbling around downtown Nashville pulling on door handles of parked cars while slurring both his English and French when he asked to be left on the street to “sleep it off”.
Metro Nashville Police understood the assignment.