Downtown Nashville bars remained closed this weekend, and when they re-open Monday they will have a 25-patron limit enforced on them. Meanwhile, Nashville’s strip clubs and Hookah bars continue to push capacity limits with no restrictions enforced by Nashville’s Mayor John Cooper, whose office declined to comment on this story. Nashville Police issued 1,900 verbal mask warnings and issued 16 citations Saturday night during the same period.
Bars in downtown Nashville, and across Davidson County, remain closed this weekend while strip clubs, hookah bars, and after-hours clubs were filled to (over) capacity, and others brought the strip club to local AirBNB’s, attracting many more than the allowed gathering size of 25 people, even on private property. When they bars re-open Monday, they will still be limited to 25 patrons inside, while strip clubs have no such limit.
The maximum capacity of bars will be 25 patrons no matter how large the square footage of the venue. If the venue is smaller, the 25-person capacity will be reduce to allow for proper social distancing, as per a directive from the Health Department and Mayor’s Office.
A Hookah bar had an after-hours event Saturday night that filled the venue to capacity.
This video, captured by Johnny Cashville, is from inside Deja Vu strip club in Nashville, Saturday night.
Some Nashville locals rented an AirBNB in town this weekend, to throw their own party with strippers.
We reached out to Mayor Cooper’s office for a comment early Sunday morning, but at press time they had not responded to our inquiry. We spoke with several bartenders at Nashville’s downtown venues who expressed they felt the 25-person capacity restriction was ‘a joke’ as some of the bars were 6,000 square feet and spanned 3 floors. We also reached out to the Metro Council member for each district, none responded to our inquiries.