DUI: Brandon Cato found stumbling around car, tells officers “Yes, I drank a buzz ball”

24-year-old Brandon Cato was involved in a car accident on April 5th. When officers arrived, they observed Cato stumbling around his vehicle. They asked Cato if he had anything to drink, and he replied, “Yes, I drank a buzz ball.” When officers asked for his driver’s license, he handed over his vape, stating, “I put my license in my vape.” Cato then gave officers his debit card and said, “here’s my license.” Eventually, Cato handed over the proper credentials after several attempts to search for them. Cato consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. Cato also agreed to a breath test and scored a .147% BAC. Brandon Cato was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence.