DUI: Justin Haynes tells police “I have already been drinking this evening”

28-year-old Justin Haynes drove his car with a flat tire at Buena Vista Pike on February 24th. Officers observed this and conducted a traffic stop before the Overlook Ridge Apartments. They approached the driver’s side and asked him to roll down his window, which he did after rolling down a backseat window by mistake. Haynes told them he was coming from a family event at O’Charlie’s and trying to pull over to service his car. He was unsure of his whereabouts as they asked him to provide his driver’s credentials, and then they were notified about his suspended license. They asked him to exit his car to perform sobriety tests, but he refused, stating, “I have already been drinking this evening.” Officers saw an empty Four Loko can and Mike’s Hard Lemonade behind the passenger’s seat before Mirandizing him. Haynes agreed to provide a breath sample, which resulted in 0.13 BAC%, and then he was taken into custody for driving under the influence and driving with a suspended license.