Metro Council set to pass NES bill ’round-up’ program tonight, NES ‘welcomes’ the resolution.

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Metro Council resolution RS2018-1508, commonly referred to as the ‘Robin Hood Resolution’, is back on the consent agenda for Tuesday night’s council meeting, and this time NES has issued a statement in full support of the amended resolution, and it appears to have the votes that would encourage NES to automatically round-up your bill without asking your permission.

Have an opinion on tonight’s vote? You can email all council members here: , or see the phone contact information for your individual council member here.

Bill sponsors are Brenda Haywood, Freddie O’Connell, Mina Johnson, Burkley Allen, and Colby Sledge. Here’s the phrasing of the amended bill:

“The Metropolitan Council hereby goes on record as formally requesting NES and its five-member Electric Power Board to implement a customer-remove Round-Up donation program, such that all ratepayers will be enrolled in the program automatically, creating a reasonable and sustainable source of revenue for its low-income weatherization program.”

The resolution then continues to the portion where everyone would be automatically opted-in to the program, without being asked, in hopes that most would never noticed the charge:

“WHEREAS, a utility bill round-up program.. with a customer-remove (or “opt out”) policy approach could garner participation of approximately 60-65% of NES’s customer base.

Council Member Fabian Bende has filed a friendly amendment that would request there be an extensive marketing campaign before NES automatically takes more of your money automatically, and without your permission, as included below.

Here’s the full-text of the amendment to be introduced at tonight’s Metro Council meeting, as well as CM Bende’s friendly amendment, and NES’s letter of support for the proposal:



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