Jeremy Snyder, Austin Walters, & Robert Stalnecker, all from the Ft. Campbell area, found themselves arrested after an incident left a sink in the men’s bathroom at Redneck Riviera in downtown Nashville “in several pieces on the floor and water everywhere”
Metro Nashville Police responded to Recneck Riviera at around 2 a.m. Saturday morning, to a report of a “destroyed bathroom sink” by management. Security at the location advised Robbert Stalnecker and Austin Walters were observed coming out of the men’s restroom around 1:50 a.m., and when security entered the restroom, it was noticed the sink was ‘destroyed’ in several pieces on the floor, with ‘water everywhere’, flooding the restroom. Security had checked the restroom just before the pair entered, and the sink was intact and operating normally.
As police were taking Walters and Stalnecker into custody, Jeremy Snyder walked up and inserted himself into the situation, demanding to know why the pair were being arrested. Officers report that Snyder became belligerent and refused orders to back up, and was interfering with their duties. They also note he was visibly intoxicated and causing a disturbance. They decided to take Snyder into custody, and as they attempted to cuff him, he continued to pull away from officers, resisting arrest.
Management of Redneck Riviera advised this was such a common occurrence they knew the cost of the replacement, approximately $1,500. Police say Walters did not want to talk to officers about what happened inside the restroom.
Robert Stakneker and Austin Walters were each charged with vandalism over $1,000, and each posted a $2,000 bond. Jeremy Starnes was charged with disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and public intoxication, and is free on pre-trial release.