32-year-old Mark Tabb told his ex-girlfriend, “I am going to rape you,” during an argument about her current relationship. Police spoke with his ex-girlfriend on August 6th, who said that Mark and she were arguing at an apartment on Murfreesboro Pike the day prior. She said after he told her he would rape her, he grabbed her by the throat, strangled her, and inserted two fingers into her vagina. She said that t she could escape and flee the apartment, and she showed police video she took while her phone was under the pillow. Police said that they had no visuals but had audio. After she arrived back again on August 5th, she said that they argued again. This time Mark brandished a large black hunting knife at her and told her, ” I can not let you leave.” When she escaped this time, she fled to the Speedway on Murfreesboro Pike, where police met up with her. While the police were speaking to her, Mark entered the store. He was then placed into custody. Mark stated that he did not know about the incident. But he admitted to him being the man that was recorded in the video that the ex-girlfriend showed police and said that he did not mean to say those words.