Nashville man charged with stalking using Apple AirTag in victim’s car — Taras Johnson

45-year-old Taras Johnson is charged with stalking his ex-girlfriend, Lashonda Campbell on several occasions, one of which reportedly involved him tracking her via an Apple AirTag in her vehicle. The pair have a long history of back-and-forth disputes using the court system, many of which are eventually dropped due to the other becoming unwilling to testify.

Five Nashville Bail Bondsmen Arrested Friday

Five Nashville Bail Bondsmen, including Michael Story, Donald Dixon (former DCSO), Courtney Poe, Tanya Mayhew Lawrence (former DCSO), & David Fletcher, were all arrested on Friday. This stands out, because David Fletcher was a part of this group, and every bondsman in Nashville just got chills when they read that name. It’s in spite of a long-standing an order from Judge Mark Fishburn, who in 2009, forbid all bail bondsmen from using Fletcher, and threatening sanctions against those who do, as it’s illegal for convicted felons to ‘recover’ wanted felons in Tennessee.…