Nurse Assaults Pregnant Girlfriend, reports says he punched, poured hot coffee on, spit on, and choked her.

A local nurse (RN) was arrested for allegedly assaulting his pregnant girlfriend at least twice, including alleged incidents of spitting in her face, punching her in the face, soaking her with a thermos of hot coffee, putting his elbow in her eye socket, and choking her.

The Dog Spot testifies “never strictly separated large dogs from small dogs in play areas” – Must pay $5,924 in dog’s death lawsuit

The Dog Spot is ordered to pay $5,924.00 in a lawsuit over the death of a dog in it’s care. In testimony, Chad Baker admitted it was never the practice to separate dogs by size in play areas, despite the claim on their website – which he says he copied and pasted from other websites, without reading the details.