Micheal Youssef-Shehata rips up parking citation in front of police officers on Broadway

39-year-old Micheal Youssef-Shehata, a taxi driver, was issued a parking citation near Tootsies Orchid Lounge on the afternoon of May 23rd. Then, after leaving, he returned in a rage and approached officers on the sidewalk. Youssef-Shehata then ripped up his parking citation in front of the officers. They determined he was engaging in violent, threatening behavior, causing citizens to stop and back away from him. Officers cited him for the occurrence that day. Youssef-Shehata was later booked on the citation of disorderly conduct on June 3rd.

Hunter Williams fights juveniles with his wife on Broadway after being kicked out of Honky Tonk Central

23-year-old Hunter Williams and his wife, Sabrina Smith, were seen outside Honky Tonk Central arguing with kids on April 5th. Officers observed Williams punching a lightbox outside Dierks Bentley’s Whiskey Row after he and his wife were kicked out. William seemed visibly irate and displayed several signs of intoxication. Shortly after, officers saw the couple across the street at Honky Tonk Central. Smith appeared to be calming Williams down until they both got into an argument with two disorderly juveniles. After arguing, a fight broke out between the four. Hunter Williams was then taken into custody and charged with disorderly conduct and public intoxication.

Sabrina Smith fights juveniles with her husband on Broadway

22-year-old Sabrina Smith and her husband, Hunter Williams, were seen outside Honky Tonk Central arguing with kids on April 5th. Officers arrived and made contact with other officers present at the scene. The officers present stated that they observed Williams punching a lightbox outside Dierks Bentley’s Whiskey Row after he and his wife were kicked out. Smith displayed several signs of intoxication. Shortly after, officers saw the couple across the street at Honky Tonk Central. Smith appeared to be calming Williams down before they got into an altercation with two disorderly juveniles. After arguing, a fight broke out between the four. Sabrina Smith was taken into custody and charged with disorderly conduct and public intoxication.

MNPD Officer Sean Pulizzano stabbed in neck with pen, says he “got complacent, didn’t disarm” suspect

You won’t’ find a lot of unearned accolades for MNPD from this outlet, however, there are individuals within the department who carry out amazing work for the city on a daily basis. You would be hard-pressed to find anyone, even those he’s arrested and jailed, to say a bad word about Downtown Officer Sean ‘Spyder’ Pulizzano – he’s one of the true good “good guys” in Nashville.

You also wouldn’t suspect the tall and lanky middle-aged man who has been with the department for nearly two decades was a local MMA legend as he rides his bicycle on-duty for Central Precinct. That’s part of what makes it even more surprising that a suspect got the best of him this week, stabbing him with an ink pen, leaving a deep puncture wound just an inch from his carotid artery.