23-year-old Kashmere Black-Draine was booked Wednesday on an outstanding warrant charging her with custodial interference. Despite a court-ordered parenting time order she refused to complete a mandated custody exchange in June, would not return any calls or communications to the child’s father, despite actively posting on social media. She is free on a $1,000 bond.
Tag: parenting plan
Woman strikes ex-husband’s skull with frying pan, holds child’s school binder hostage —Kaysie Oys arrested
Just days after their divorce was finalized, police say 31-year-old Kaysie Oys used a frying pan to assault her newly divorced husband, locally loved ‘Jacob the Electrician’ Palmer, with a frying pan to the back of his skull, and again to his arm. She was reportedly being uncooperative with the parenting plan, had picked up their child from his school outside of her authorized day, and was holding his school binder under a faucet in the kitchen, threatening to destroy it when he came to retrieve the child from her home.