David Zamojski shoots ex-girlfriend with BB gun during altercation, gets tased in return

35-year-old David Zamojski was involved in a domestic altercation with his ex-girlfriend, Taylor Elliott, at his Lenox Creekside Drive apartment on March 24th. When officers arrived at the mentioned location, they contacted Zamojski. Zamojski told them Elliott showed up at his apartment and started an altercation. He added that Elliot pushed her way into the apartment and tried to shock him with a cattle prod-like taser. Zamojski did not have any visible injuries. Officers noticed that a neighbor across the hall had a Ring doorbell camera. While watching the footage, officers saw Zamojski screaming at Elliott to leave. Elliott responded by saying that Zamojski “fucked with her family.” After leaving the apartment, Elliott asked Zamojski for her keys, but he told her he didn’t have them. Once Elliott told him that she would wait, Zamojski went inside, came back out, and threw her keys down the stairs. Zamojski returned inside, grabbed two dumbbells, and threw them at Elliott’s feet. Elliott proceeded to tell Zamojski to give her BB gun back as well. After entering his apartment a third time, Zamojski came back outside with what looked like a black handgun pointed at Elliott. Elliott said, “Do it,” and Zamojski pulled the trigger, effectively shooting her in the leg with a BB. Zamojski then tossed the BB gun at Elliott’s feet. Elliott retaliated by rushing him with a taser. Zamojski attempted to grab it but failed and ended up backing into a door. After recovering, Zamojski grabbed a broom and stuck Elliott in the face with the handle. This led to a fight inside the apartment where the taser could be heard sparking 4-5 times. Elliott was seen leaving the apartment and kicking her belongings down the stairs. Zamojski exited the apartment and followed her down the stairs, asking, “What is wrong with you?” Elliott left the scene before the officers’ arrival. David Zamojski was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

Homeless “ninja” arrested in Goodlettsville attempting to break into vehicle — Christopher Brimm

A Goodlettsville resident called police to report a person “dressed like a ninja” was attempting to break into his work vehicle. Officers quickly located 20-year-old Christopher Brimm nearby. Police say he was easily identifiable, as he was wearing all black clothing with a balaclava covering his head and face, gloves, and carrying a duffle bag with a headlamp style flashlight and large knives and a machete. Brimm stated he was homeless and sometimes “explored” homes he believed to be abandoned. He was charged with attempted auto burglary and possession of burglary tools after his bag contained various tools including picking tools, a Dremel, and pliers. A commissioner set his bond at $2,000.

“I’ve been high for 17 years”, Tony Earl Mitchell tells officers as he being arrested #PublicIntoxication

Mitchell was then placed into custody for public intoxication. On the way to booking, Mitchell stated, “if I wasn’t half-drunk already, I’d pour you a drink” and “I’ve been high for 17 years”. 54-year-old Tony Earl Mitchell was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail on Sunday.

Woman locates her boyfriend at Krystal’s drive-thru with his other girlfriend, rams her car

25-year-old Tess Tomes is charged with felony aggravated assault and felony reckless endangerment after she found her boyfriend at a local drive-thru, and as she prepared to follow him home – so did his other girlfriend, Brandi Adams, who was in line behind him. She’s accused of ramming the other girl’s car. Tomes’ two children were in the car with her during the assault.