The Adrian Montgomery Murder: How It Happened (New Details)

SCOOP: Three close friends thought they were in on a plan to rob a drug dealer, but Laquan Redmon turned against the other two, murdering ‘A1’ Adrian Montgomery at point blank range in the back of the head, and attempting to murder Rodriquez Perkins as he fled.

Drive-by Shooting: 1 Shot by WKND on Church St

There was a drive-by Shooting on Church Street Sunday night- a 21-year-old male was shot by WKND – windows of nearby businesses were damaged. He is expected to survive. 11PM UPDATE: witnesses report a total of 5 shots were fired during the incident. 5AM UPDATE: Most witnesses are not cooperating, however despite media reports, the shooting did NOT happen at Canvas Lounge. Here are two eyewitness accounts from the bartender at Canvas, as well as a customer, posted on social media last night when the incident happened: This is a developing story,…