Charlotte Ratliff attempts to run woman off road, threatens her with gun during altercation

61-year-old Charlotte Ratliff had an altercation with Phyllis Anderson at Anderson’s Mountain Springs Road apartment on July 5th. Anderson told responding officers that as she left Larry’s on Murfreesboro Pike, Ratliff attempted to run her off the road several times with her black Jaguar. Then, Anderson explained that Ratliff was waiting for her as she arrived home. Anderson stated that Ratliff exited her vehicle and reached into her window with a gun, telling her she would kill her. Anderson told Ratliff that she has a grandson, to which Ratliff responded by saying “f*ck your grandson.” Then, as Ratliff went back to her car, Anderson took pictures of her plates before she drove off. Anderson stated that Ratliff returned and started banging on her garage door, attempting to enter. Erica Carter, a witness, corroborated Anderson’s statements and noted that she did not observe a firearm in Ratliff’s hand during the interaction. Ratliff was later taken into custody for two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon on July 8th.

DUI: Hayden Embry drives Mercedes after drinking Fireball, tells police he “ran out of gas”

22-year-old Hayden Embry was seen in the middle of Headry Drive and Harding Pike in a white Mercedes sedan displaying his hazard lights late July 4th. When officers approached Embry, they observed that he was visually intoxicated. Embry told officers that he “ran out of gas.” Embry agreed to perform field sobriety tests but performed them poorly, showing multiple signs of impairment. During a search of Embry’s car, officers located two open Fireball shot containers with a small amount of liquid in them. Embry was taken into custody for driving under the influence and open container on July 5th.

Pedro Rodriguez jailed after involvement in brawl at Bucanas Night Club parking lot

30-year-old Pedro Antonio Rodriguez was involved in a large fight at the Bucanas Night Club parking lot at 3:06 a.m. on June 22nd. While officers were responding to a call for service, they observed the brawl. This prompted officers to intervene and stop the fight. Rodriguez was then taken into custody for disorderly conduct.

Eduardo Garcia jailed after brawl in Bucanas Night Club parking lot

28-year-old Eduardo Rubio Garcia was involved in a large fight at the Bucanas Night Club parking lot at 3:06 a.m. on June 22nd. While officers were responding to a call for service, they observed the brawl. This prompted officers to intervene and stop the fight. Garcia was then taken into custody for disorderly conduct.

Daniel Izaguirre jailed after involvement in Bucanas Night Club parking lot brawl

19-year-old Daniel Izaguirre was involved in a large fight at the Bucanas Night Club parking lot at 3:06 a.m. on June 22nd. While officers were responding to a call for service, they observed the brawl. This prompted officers to intervene and stop the fight. Izaguirre was then taken into custody for disorderly conduct.

Juan Rodriguez Mendez jailed after involvement in brawl in Bucanas Night Club parking lot

31-year-old Juan Jose Rodriguez Mendez was involved in a large fight at the Bucanas Night Club parking lot at 3:06 a.m. on June 22nd. While officers were responding to a call for service, they observed the brawl. This prompted officers to intervene and stop the fight. Mendez was then taken into custody for disorderly conduct.

Jonathan Seck assaults girlfriend while trying to take her phone during argument

55-year-old Jonathan Seck had a domestic incident with his girlfriend, Jessica Mitchell, at a Notchleaf Road residence around 7 p.m. on May 25th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Seck, who initially told them nothing had occurred. Later, after Mitchell provided them with photos of her injuries, they detained Seck. Under Miranda, Seck stated he and Mitchell argued over her seeing other women texting him, during which she punched him three times. Seck then tried to restrain her and accidentally cut her lip with his watch. Officers spoke with Mitchell, who stated that Seck had taken her phone, and while attempting to retrieve it, Seck struck her in the mouth with the back of his hand, causing it to bleed. Seck was taken into custody for domestic assault on May 26th.

Johnny Rodriguez bites girlfriend’s foot during alteration at Taco Bell

54-year-old Johnny Rodriguez had a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Alyssa Rudder, at their Daybreak Drive residence in the early hours of May 20th. Around 1:33 a.m., Rodriguez’s son called the police, stating that his dad was arguing with his girlfriend, and it sounded like it had become physical. When officers arrived, they located Rodriguez and Rudder, who both reeked of alcohol and appeared intoxicated. Rodriguez told police nothing had happened, adding it was just a verbal disagreement. Officers noticed a bruise under Rodriguez’s eye and asked him how it occurred, but he would not explain.

Then, officers spoke with Rudder, who stated that around 5 p.m. on May 19th, they were leaving the liquor store in Rodriguez’s car. Rudder said Rodriguez had struck her in the head five times before pulling her hair, leaving bruises on her forearm and wrist and scratches on the back of her neck. Rudder added that later that day, they went to Taco Bell for food, during which Rodriguez exited his car without parking it, causing it to roll with her inside. Rudder stated when she got into the front seat to stop the car, Rodriguez came to the driver’s side door, grabbed her foot, and bit it. Rodriguez was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for two counts of domestic assault.

Angie Garavito forcefully enters woman’s house during argument with boyfriend

24-year-old Angie Garavito refused to leave Maria Fernanda Gomez-Mancilla’s Hickory Hollow Parkway residence on May 18th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Gomez-Mancilla, who stated that Garavito had entered her home and would not leave, adding that this had been an issue in the past. Garavito walked up to officers, telling them that she and her boyfriend argued, and he left to come to Gomez-Mancilla’s home, so she went there to confront him. During their interaction, officers noticed Garavito reeked of alcohol and showed signs of intoxication before admitting to having “5 beers.” Garavito was deemed a danger to herself and was taken into custody for criminal trespass and public intoxication.  

Tyler Burnett assaults girlfriend on Old Franklin Road

32-year-old Tyler Burnett had a domestic incident with Nadai Shann at their Old Franklin Road residence on May 9th. Around 11:00 p.m. on May 10th, Shann alerted the authorities, advising them that Burnett pulled her off the couch and dragged her across the ground before pinning her against a fence with his left arm across her chest, leaving bruises on her arms and knees.

Officers spoke with Burnett, who had a scratch on his nose, which he initially said had come from work. They noticed he had a bite mark on his left forearm, which Shann told them had come from her biting him while he had her pinned against the fence. He was deemed the primary aggressor, and under Miranda, he told them that the cut on his nose came from Shann hitting him with a PlayStation. Officers investigated and found the PlayStation in the house, undamaged and plugged into the wall with dust on it, appearing as if it had not been moved recently. Burnett was then taken into custody for domestic assault.