Charlotte Ratliff attempts to run woman off road, threatens her with gun during altercation

61-year-old Charlotte Ratliff had an altercation with Phyllis Anderson at Anderson’s Mountain Springs Road apartment on July 5th. Anderson told responding officers that as she left Larry’s on Murfreesboro Pike, Ratliff attempted to run her off the road several times with her black Jaguar. Then, Anderson explained that Ratliff was waiting for her as she arrived home. Anderson stated that Ratliff exited her vehicle and reached into her window with a gun, telling her she would kill her. Anderson told Ratliff that she has a grandson, to which Ratliff responded by saying “f*ck your grandson.” Then, as Ratliff went back to her car, Anderson took pictures of her plates before she drove off. Anderson stated that Ratliff returned and started banging on her garage door, attempting to enter. Erica Carter, a witness, corroborated Anderson’s statements and noted that she did not observe a firearm in Ratliff’s hand during the interaction. Ratliff was later taken into custody for two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon on July 8th.

Aide Cruz slaps daughter at Circle K gas station, states that her daughter shouldn’t disrespect her

31-year-old Aide Cruz was involved in a domestic altercation with her minor daughter at the Murfreesboro Pike Circle K gas station on June 22nd. When officers arrived, they learned that Cruz had been transported to Southern Hills Hospital following a panic attack. Once they got to the hospital, they spoke with Cruz’s daughter. She stated that she was out with her boyfriend at Circle K when Cruz came to pick her up. She said that after telling Cruz she did not want to leave, it sparked an argument. During the argument, Cruz smacked her in the face, so she pushed her in return. When Cruz recovered, she spoke with officers and confirmed her daughter’s statements. Cruz added that when she started cursing at her, she smacked her in the mouth because she did not believe that her daughter should disrespect her. Aide Cruz was then taken into custody for domestic assault on June 23rd.

Underage DUI: Axel Gutierrez crashes into yard, hides Glock in trashcan after drinking BuzzBall

18-year-old Axel Gutierrez had a single-vehicle accident near Foster Avenue and Peachtree Street on June 16th. While officers were on the way to the location, they read the call text stating that the call-taker heard a male say, “Hide the gun under the seat.” The call text also stated that a witness observed the driver, Gutierrez, and his passenger walk to a trashcan to throw something away.  When officers arrived, they noticed Gutierrez standing on the sidewalk talking to Officer Ranaudo, who told them that he saw Gutierrez in the driver’s seat with the engine on while it was on top of the fence. Then, officers spoke with Gutierrez’s passenger, who initially stated they did not hide anything in the trashcan or say anything about hiding a gun under the seat. During their interaction, Gutierrez had a slight alcoholic odor and showed signs of intoxication before refusing to answer their questions and becoming belligerent.  Officers tried to handcuff Gutierrez, but he resisted. While detaining him, the witness returned to the scene, advising officers that she saw him drive into a soccer goal and drag it until he hit the fence, where the car stopped. Then, she said she saw them run to a trashcan and return to the vehicle. When officers searched the trashcan, they retrieved a Glock 48, which Gutierrez’s passenger said belonged to Gutierrez. Officers later located a BuzzBallz cocktail near the crash site and discovered that Gutierrez did not have a valid driver’s license. Gutierrez was taken into custody for evidence tampering, resisting arrest, underage alcohol consumption, not having a valid driver’s license, weapon possession while under the influence, and driving under the influence.

Cody Williams found “convulsing” on floor, chases roommate with broken picture frame

33-year-old Cody Williams was involved in a domestic altercation with his roommate, Michelle Coleman, at their Dale View home on April 13th. Coleman stated that she had heard a very loud crash coming from Williams’s room and had noticed him “convulsing” on the floor. Coleman then tried to assist Williams, but he woke up and began acting erratic. Coleman then left the room for her safety, and Williams came running from the bedroom, chasing after her with a broken picture frame.  Coleman stated she was in fear of bodily injury and had run away from the residence. Williams claimed he saw a cat enter the home and was trying to chase it out. Williams had also denied taking any drugs but had similar erratic behavior with police. Police took Williams into custody and booked him for domestic assault on April 14th.

DUI: Andrea Strickland crashes on Bell Road after smoking weed from new dealer #ThatZa

39-year-old Andrea Strickland had a car accident on Bell Road early March 30th. Detectives went to the location and observed Brady Stelloh giving Strickland a sternum rub to help her breathe. Officers tried to wake her up, but she kept drifting in and out of sleep. When medics arrived, they placed her in the ambulance, where she had briefly awoken. Detectives tried to question her about the collision, but she couldn’t stay awake. The officers spoke to the other driver, Essam Girgis, who provided footage of the incident, showing Strickland turning onto Bell Road and suddenly stopping and hitting his vehicle, which caused him to hit the car in front of him. Officers returned to Southern Hills Hospital to speak with Strickland and the nurses. The nurses told them that she said she had smoked some marijuana from a new dealer before driving. Strickland then admitted that to officers, adding that she did not remember the crash. Strickland was taken into custody for driving under the influence and driving with a suspended license.

Jose Romero threatens man who owes him $3,000 with knife, demands they go to bank

24-year-old Jose Romero had an altercation with Nicolas Garcia-Perez at his Tusculum Road residence late March 23rd. Garcia-Perez spoke with officers when they arrived, advising that he owed Romero $3,000. Garcia-Perez advised that Romero showed up at his house with his girlfriend and mother and started to be verbally aggressive with him. Romero said he wanted Garcia-Perez to pay the money he owed him. Romero then pulled out a knife, demanding Garcia-Perez take him to the bank to get the money. Officers spoke with a witness, who stated they observed Romero pulling out the knife and throwing it in the back of Garcia-Perez’s car when he heard that the police were on the way. Garcia-Perez told them where it was, and officers found the 8-inch kitchen knife. Romero was taken into custody for aggravated assault on March 24th.

Raniyha Thomas assaults employee at Casa Fiesta after breaking glasses

20-year-old Raniyha Marie Thomas, of MTSU, had an altercation with an employee, Andres Barajas, at Casa Fiesta on Bell Road late February 22nd. When the officers arrived, they spoke with both parties. Thomas told officers they were sitting at their table when they said to Barajas that their drinks were not right and their food was taking too long. The waiter told them they could leave, and as one of the girls was about to take a drink from their cup, he took it from her hand, telling them to leave again. Then, they left, but one of them left their phone, so she went back inside to grab it. Barajas told them they could not have it unless they paid $20 for damages.

Barajas told officers that they were complaining about their food and drinks, so he told them to leave since the kitchen was closed, and when they tried to take a sip from their drinks, he took their straws. After this, one of the girls started to break the glasses. They then left and later tried to return to the restaurant because one of the girls had left their phone inside. Barjas told them they could not come in, adding that they had to pay $20 in damages to get the phone. Barjas went to close the door, which is when Thomas barged into the establishment and started hitting him. Barajas provided footage of the incident, confirming his statement. Officers were advised that the restaurant did not want to prosecute for the damages, and Thomas was cited for assault. Thomas was booked on the citation on March 19th.

Jeremiah Jordan threatens girlfriend with knife during assault

24-year-old Jeremiah Jordan was jailed on March 15th for assaulting his girlfriend at their home in Murfreesboro. Jala told police that she grabbed Jeremiah’s phone and saw a text on his phone from another girl. After Jala saw the texts on his phone, she threw his phone out the window and went home. Jala and Jeremiah began to argue, and he began to take down the bed in an attempt to put Jala out of the house. At some point during the argument, Jeremiah told Jala that he would jump off the Broadway Bridge. Jeremiah left but eventually returned home. Jala told him to go upstairs to the other room while she went to their room. While she was in their room, Jeremiah came in and began arguing with her, making suicidal comments once again. So, Jala tried to block the door and calm Jeremiah down so he wouldn’t leave to hurt himself. He eventually bucked up at Jala and started to choke her, but she was able to get away and go downstairs. Jeremiah followed Jala downstairs and choked her a second time, but she grabbed a cologne bottle and hit him with it. He let go of her briefly but came at her once again by grabbing her and biting her on the neck. Jala bit him back, and Jeremiah began choking her a third time until she couldn’t breathe, so she grabbed a picture frame and hit him in the head with it. Jeremiah then armed himself with a knife from the kitchen.

When police arrived, they observed a red bite mark on Jala’s neck, along with a bruise from being strangled and a red mark above her eye. Jeremiah told officers that when he got home, he asked Jala where her keys were and told her that if she didn’t give them to him, he would break her window. He then grabbed a hammer and hit Jala’s car window, but she insisted that she didn’t know where his keys were. Jeremiah then lifts her purse and finds her keys underneath. Jeremiah became upset and began taking the bed apart when Jala slapped the tool he was using out of his hand. They both walked toward each other before Jala hit Jeremiah, and he went downstairs to sleep on the couch. Jala then came downstairs and tried to wake him up by tapping him, pulling the covers of his head, and smacking his face. This prompted Jeremiah to react by grabbing her forcefully, causing them to get into a tussle, where he grabbed and flipped her. Jala then tried to kick Jeremiah. Jeremiah grabbed Jala’s leg to bite her, which is when she hit him in the head with the picture frame. Jala then backed out of the house while Jeremiah held a knife. Once Jala backed out of the house, Jeremiah locked her out of the house.

Based on the statement from both parties and the severity of Jala’s injuries, Jeremiah was determined to be the primary aggressor and was taken into custody.

DUI: Olivier Niyonteze gets into crash after allowing man to drive his car drunk

30-year-old Olivier Niyonteze was a passenger in his vehicle when it was involved in an accident on February 23rd. Officers arrived and conducted a crash investigation, where they discovered the driver, Aimable Musafiri, was intoxicated. Niyonteze was the registered owner of the vehicle driven by the intoxicated individual. When officers spoke with Niyonteze, he admitted to witnessing the driver consuming alcohol before operating the car and still allowing them to drive. Niyonteze was taken into custody for driving under the influence.

DUI: Aimable Musafiri crashes into multiple cars, resists arrest after drinking 2 beers

34-year-old Aimable Musafiri was involved in a three-car accident near Rice Road and Edge O Lake Drive on February 23rd. Officers arrived and spoke to all parties involved, during which Musafiri admitted to having two beers and taking flu medicine. Officers noticed Musafiri showing signs of intoxication before asking him to participate in sobriety tests. However, Musafiri told officers no and refused to take sobriety tests. Officers then attempted to detain Musafiri, to which he resisted, pushing away from officers. Once Musafiri was arrested and informed of implied consent, he declined to provide a breath sample. Musafiri was taken into custody for driving under the influence, implied consent, and resisting arrest.