Kroger’s Star Employee Robs Them Blind | Antoinette Bradley Arrested.

Antoinette Bradley was recently selected by Style Blueprint magazine as one of four ‘Faces of Kroger’ in a piece highlighting great Kroger employees that you instantly recognize and their personal profiles. What no one would realize until now, is that in the past five months, she cancelled 585 cash transactions on the register, and pocketed the $8,632.76 for herself. It’s unclear why Kroger’s internal systems did not catch such a large amount of cancelled cash transactions, but she played the system since 08/20/17 with this scam of her employer. According…

Arrest: Jerry Cain Williams – Kroger Gift Card Bandit

For just over a month, there was a Kroger gift-card bandit hitting Nashville – and he was finally arrested in May, when he bonded out on his charges – and disappeared. He missed all his court dates, and a felony capias was issued for his arrested – which was served on Christmas Eve, and is being held on a $12,000 bond. From 4/1/17 to 5/2/17, Jerry Cain Williams stole or attempted to steal Kroger gift cards totaling $2,450. The actual financial loss to Kroger by the defendant in Nashville was…

To Do: Get A MILF (Drunk!)

Imagine you’re at the Eastland Kroger, and you can’t stop looking at a guy’s behind. Some about the booty catches your eye. In fact you are so intrigued that you notice a hand written piece of paper in his back pocket that intrigues you. This happened to Sara Olivia Moore. She was keen enough to zoom in so we could see the what the pocket list contained – and it appears to possibly be a list of To Do’s for a bachelor party? Sara described him as an “out of…

Neighborhood Watchful: Inglewood Kroger Edition

Oh, East Nashville, you continue to make us laugh at ourselves. Here’s a little gem, recently reported on the East Nashville Neighborhood Watch page. David Gilmore – you, sir, are an idiot. And we agree, you are NOT safe inside Inglewood Kroger, in fact, we’re pretty sure you should not be shopping on your own, at any store, at any time. Also, we are sending you a babysitter, diapers, and some warm milk, as our gift to you! Just a reminder–theft can happen while you’re inside a grocery store. Last…