Aerial arts instructor charged with public intoxication after concerned party calls police

29-year-old Calyssa Byrd was charged with public intoxication when a third party called police after seeing a man drag her near some bushes at the Walk of Fame Park. The charge was later dismissed.

Elderly liquor store clerk shoots man in back; says he was running out with booze

88-year-old May Boyce was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after she told officers “she knew based on his demeanor” a man intended to steal some brown liquor. Boyce says he ran toward the exit, the victim said his friend “One Eye” was paying for the booze. Boyce shot Ramon Fisher in the lower back.

Teen gets angry about chicken, yells “I’ve got something for yo b-tch a–” with knife in hand

19-year-old Kelnisha Blaylock was charged with assault with a deadly weapon when she told her 14-year-old sister “I’ve got something for yo bitch ass” before rushing at her with a large kitchen knife. The fight started over chicken.

Man arguing with grandmother charged for shooting gun multiple times and kicking an officer

19-year-old Austin Mayes was charged with assault with a deadly weapon, assaulting an officer, reckless endangerment, and resisting when he got in a fight with his grandma, officers, and a salesman because he and his girlfriend broke up.

Nashville musician charged with BUI after telling officer he drank 3 White Claws, per report

29-year-old Chris Perrine was charged with boating under the influence when an officer halted his vessel after noticing he had beer cans within his reach. Perrine admitted to drinking 3 White Claws.

Man charged with domestic assault again after witness says he threw beer can at girlfriend’s face

25-year-old Donald Mays was charged with domestic assault again when a witness told officers he threw a beer can at his on- again off-again girlfriend’s face.

Man jailed for domestic assault yet again after sucker-punching boyfriend and running away

26-year-old Cody “Wildboy” Batey was charged with domestic assault when his boyfriend told officers he accused him of cheating, sucker-punched him, and ran away. The couple has a long history of domestic incidents.

Bellevue man charged with DUI after wreck tells cops he “just popped a benzo and went for a drive”

32-year-old Brandon Little was charged with driving and possession of a handgun while under the influence when he wrecked into a ditch after consuming 5 Xanax bars. He told officers he “just popped a benzo and went for a drive”.

Mother charged for biting son the same day fundraiser begins for her “new start”

24-year-old Dedja Jenkins was charged with child abuse when her 7-year-old told his father she bit him on the cheek and left him outside with no coat in January. She’s also the mother of a 1-year-old who died after being left in a truck by her adoptive father.

Antioch woman lies to police about teen suspected of shooting homicide hiding in her house

30-year-old Ashley Weaver was charged with false report when the teen suspected in the death of Bradderick Seaborn was hiding in her home and she told a detective she hadn’t seen Tamon Collins since February.