Christina Sain punches missing woman in head at Loves Gas Station

47-year-old Christina Sain had a domestic incident with Patricia Grant at Love’s Gas Station on West Trinity Lane around 9:45 a.m. on June 11th. When officers arrived, they observed Sain “bear-hugging” Patricia Grant, so they approached them, which was when she released her. Sain advised officers that she and Patricia’s mother, April Grant, came to Nashville to look for Patricia after she had been missing for three days. April said that Sain told her Patricia was staying with her boyfriend. When they arrived at the gas station, they noticed Patricia exiting the store, so Sain grabbed her to prevent her from leaving, which sparked a physical altercation where Sain punched her in the head, and Patricia bit her right arm. Sain was taken into custody for false imprisonment and domestic assault.

Robert Dodson exposes himself to Vanderbilt Nurse in restroom, asks if he can “stick it in her”

37-year-old Robert Earl Dodson was taken into custody for indecent exposure, assault on a healthcare provider, and false imprisonment on May 27th. Around 2 p.m., Corey Sullivan, a Vanderbilt Medical Center staff member, told authorities that she was escorting a patient, Dodson, to the restroom so that he could shower. Sullivan entered the restroom, and Dodson entered behind her, shut the door, pulled his pants down, and exposed himself to her. Then, Dodson asked if he could “stick it in her,” to which she told him to put it away and tried to leave the bathroom. Dodson grabbed Sullivan’s left shoulder, preventing her from leaving, and started to kiss her neck until an unknown individual tried to enter the restroom. After this, Dodson released Sullivan, and she exited the restroom. Dodson was later detained for the occurrence.

Shamar Mosley blocks woman in parking spot, punches her car windows during altercation

22-year-old Shamar Mosley had a domestic incident with Jayda Griffin at her Crossing Boulevard apartment on April 29th. Upon arrival, officers spoke with Griffin, who stated that Mosley had been trying to get his stuff from her apartment. Griffin explained that an argument ensued regarding a TV Mosley attempted to take. Griffin said she drove to the leasing office of her apartment complex while waiting for the police to arrive. Then, Griffin said the office was closed, so she returned to her car. Griffin stated Mosley was waiting in his vehicle, blocking her in her parking spot, which hindered her from leaving. Griffin then provided officers with video footage of the incident, which showed Mosley walking around her car and punching her windows for about 10 minutes. Officers spoke with Mosley, who told them he had blocked her car because he was trying to get his belongings. Mosley was then taken into custody for false imprisonment.

Shannon Bellflower-Mustin assaults husband with cane during argument

39-year-old Shannon Bellflower-Mustin had a domestic altercation with her husband, Christopher Siracuse, at their Scruggs Lane unit on the night of April 24th. Officers spoke with Siracuse, who stated that he and Bellflower-Mustin argued over their son’s nutrition. During the dispute, he tried to leave through the front door. However, Bellflower-Mustin blocked it with her back, preventing him from leaving. Then, Siracuse realized he had forgotten some items inside, so he went to retrieve them. As he did this, she struck him in the back with her cane, leaving a visible mark. Siracuse refused medical treatment and advised officers that he wished to prosecute for the incident. Bellflower-Mustin was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Brandon Calloway assaults girlfriend, prevents her from leaving home during argument

23-year-old Brandon Calloway had a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Jayla Hall, at their shared Brickmont Drive residence in the early hours of March 13th. At approximately 8:52 a.m., Hall’s father alerted the authorities, stating that his daughter was assaulted and choked by her boyfriend. When officers arrived at his Northbrook Road residence, they spoke with Hall, who said that her boyfriend had choked her in the past, the last time being about a week ago, but advised that he did not do so today. Hall then explained that they had argued, so she tried to leave. However, Calloway stood in the doorway, telling her she was not leaving and that they could talk about it. After this, Hall said she went to the backdoor, but he physically prevented her from leaving, repeating that she should stay so they could talk about it. Then, Hall said she picked up a handful of drywall mud and threw it at him to make him get out of the way. In response, Calloway pushed her to the ground. Hall landed in the mud, got up, and started to walk to her father’s house after Calloway took her car keys. Hall later returned to the location, retrieved her keys, and went back to her father’s home, where she informed him about the incident. Officers then tried to go to their shared Brickmont Drive residence to speak with Calloway, but no contact was made. Calloway was taken into custody for domestic assault and false imprisonment on March 27th.

Elic Page assaults ex-boyfriend, prevents him from leaving apartment during argument

30-year-old Elic Page was jailed on March 3rd for assaulting his ex-boyfriend during an argument on Shurgard Way. Nathaniel Browning stated that he was trying to remove his property from Elic’s apartment when Elic put his hands on him and wouldn’t let him leave. Nathaniel explained that he was moving out of the apartment because he and Elic broke up. Nathaniel stated that Elic forced him onto the bed. When Nathaniel tried to leave the apartment, Elic blocked the door with his body, preventing Nathaniel from leaving. Officers reviewed video footage revealing Nathaniel telling Elic he just wanted to get his things and leave. Then, the footage showed Elic forcing Nathaniel back and slamming the front door shut.

According to Elic, he only made physical contact with Nathaniel when he tried to hug him. A witness corroborated Nathaniel’s story by stating that Elic grabbed him several times and even pinned him against the wall. The witness had multiple videos on her phone confirming Nathaniel’s story. Nathaniel later changed his story and stated that Elic never threatened or assaulted him. Elic was taken into custody and transported to booking.

Nashville Realtor Billy Pesaturo charged in strangulation of ex-girlfriend during argument

43-year-old Nashville Realtor William ‘Billy’ Pesaturo was jailed Friday Night on outstanding warrants from an earlier incident. His ex-girlfriend, Patricia Benitez, visited the Family Safety Center on March 1 to report an incident that occurred on January 30. She says the two were in a previous relationship but still living together when they became involved in a verbal argument at their home. She said when she attempted to leave the room, Pesaturo blocked her exit and grabbed her by the front of her throat, pushing her against a wall. She estimated he strangled her for approximately thirty seconds, during which time she was unable to breathe. She eventually escaped his grip and was able to leave the room.

Luis Gonzalez throws wife into wall multiple times during argument

25-year-old Luis Angel Gonzalez Parada had a domestic incident with his wife, Katerin Alexandra Gonzalez Castanon, at their Colo Trail residence on the afternoon of February 26th. Josselin Gonzalez, Luis’s sister, alerted the authorities, advising them that Mr. Gonzalez was being abusive toward Katerin and refused to let her leave their home. When the officers arrived, they discovered Josselin was no longer on the scene. Officers knocked on the door, but nobody answered; this was when they noticed Luis’ mother in a parked car outside the residence. She informed officers that Luis and Katerin were in the house, aware that police had been called. So Luis’ mother went to notify the couple and invited detectives inside, advising that they were in the back bedroom.  Officers observed the bedroom door to be broken and asked to speak with Luis and Katerin separately, which they agreed to. Katerin told officers via language line interpreter that at around 2 p.m., she and Luis argued on the balcony of the house, and when she attempted to go inside, he pushed her to the ground. Katerin demonstrated what Luis did by using a stuffed animal and forcing it to the floor. Katerin said they went to the bedroom to continue their conversation after Luis pushed her. She did not have any visible injuries and refused medical treatment.

Luis spoke with detectives, telling them he had been going through a rough time and that he and Katerin argued on the balcony. Luis said that Katerin tripped and fell while trying to reenter their home. Luis denied the altercation ever becoming physical. Officers called Josselin, who advised them that when the couple argued on the balcony, she heard what she believed to be Katerin falling. Josselin then witnessed Luis throw Katerin against the wall four times while screaming at her. When the couple entered, Josselin saw Luis push Katerin against the wall again. Josselin said she was afraid, so she left and called her mom, telling her to call the police. After speaking to Josselin, officers went to talk to Katerin again, who confirmed that Luis pushed her on the balcony. Katerin added that Luis also locked her in the bedroom until his mother forced it open to free her. Before officers were able to question Luis again, he admitted to throwing Katerin onto the floor. Gonzalez was taken into custody for domestic assault and false imprisonment.

Preston Milburn assaults girlfriend, traps her in residence during altercation

26-year-old Preston Milburn had an altercation with his girlfriend, Peyton Manning, at their residence on January 24th. Manning reported waking up because Milburn yelled at her, screaming, “I hate you.” Milburn threw hangers at her as he was leaving. Manning then started to record the incident with her phone, and Milburn grabbed it, shattered it, and threw it into the woods in their backyard. Manning tried to leave, but Milburn forced her back into her bedroom, hindering her from leaving. Milburn then placed his hand over her mouth to keep her from screaming. About twenty minutes later, Manning was able to get away to a neighbor’s house so she could call the police. When officers arrived, Milburn fled the scene, so officers spoke with Manning and noticed her left hand was bleeding with a couple of broken fingernails. Milburn called the police to meet up but did not give any statements regarding the incident. Officers deemed Milburn the primary aggressor, and he was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Efrain Santiago Olivero assaults wife, tells children “Mom is about to learn”

29-year-old Efrain Santiago Olivero was jailed after threatening to assault his wife at their home on Hobson Pike. Bergeline Garcia told police that she and her husband got into an argument, and Efrain told their children to go to their room because “mom is about to learn.” He then began to chase her around the apartment. When she realized he wasn’t going to let her leave, she ran into the bathroom. Officers found Efrain on Old Hickory Boulevard and took him into custody. Bergeline told police that she was afraid her husband would hurt her because he had before. She then showed the officers photos from September 18th, where she had bruising on her chin from her husband hitting her. Efrain was taken into custody and charged with false imprisonment and two counts of domestic assault.