Malcolm X. Townsend violently shakes girlfriend during argument

32-year-old Malcolm Xavier Townsend was involved in a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Constance Johnson, at a Moss Rose Drive residence on June 11th. Officers received a report of a burglary in progress, and when officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Johnson. Johnson told officers that she had entered her own home and was not breaking in. Johnson was able to prove to officers that she lived at the address. Johnson informed officers that she had argued with Townsend the night before. Johnson stated that as she left the house last night, Townsend grabbed both her arms and shook her in frustration. Johnson showed officers bruising on her upper arms that was caused by Townsend shaking her. Officers also observed text messages between Townsend and Johnson that consisted of Johnson informing Townsend that he hurt her and showed photographed proof of her injuries. Due to the bruising, officers determined Townsend to be the primary aggressor, and he was taken into custody for domestic assault.

John Anders pulls knife on Group Home employee

73-year-old John Anders had an altercation with Jeffrey Stewart, an employee at Group Home Nashville, at the Larkspur Road group home late February 20th. Stewart spoke with officers when they arrived and advised them that Anders had recently been informed that he was being evicted due to his frequent hostility toward other residents. Stewart told officers that Anders entered his bedroom later that night holding a pairing knife, stating he was going to cut him since he was evicting him, and swung the blade toward his throat. Anders held the blade against Stewart’s throat until he wrestled him off and called the authorities.  Anders was then taken into custody for aggravated assault.

DUI: Cecilia Mula drinks one shot of whiskey at Shulman’s Bar before hitting parked car

27-year-old Cecilia Mula drove her white Jeep and struck a parked Subaru BRZ at Shulman’s Bar in the parking lot late February 10th. Matthew Musquiz, a manager at Shulman’s, spoke with officers when they arrived. Musquiz advised officers that he observed Mula drive into a bollard after hitting the Subaru and then exited her vehicle. Officers talked to Mula, and she stated that she consumed one alcoholic beverage at the bar before driving. Officers noticed she was visibly intoxicated, speaking rapidly, and getting off topic repeatedly. Mula consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly, nearly falling over at the end of the walk-and-turn test.  Officers reviewed the parking lot security footage, which confirmed Musquiz’s statement regarding her colliding with the parking bollard. Then, officers spoke with Ryan Gray, the bartender who served her and were told that he watched her consume one shot of whiskey, struggle to find money in her purse to pay for it, and then Gray cut her off due to her level of intoxication. Gray stated that Mula left around twenty minutes after the shot and went outside to get in her Jeep. Officers observed a receipt for Mula showing the purchase of two shots of whiskey and a beer. Gray explained that the other shot and beer were for a friend she was with. Mula consented to provide a blood sample and was transported to booking. At booking, Mula told officers she was not driving and that her friends at the bar would testify that. Mula was taken into custody for driving under the influence.

Hillary Wofford speeds down Buena Vista Pike in stolen U-Haul truck

36-year-old Hillary Ann Wofford was speeding in a stolen U-Haul truck on Buena Vista Pike near Mike Shields Court on December 20th. Officers observed the U-Haul speeding, failing to stop at a red light, crossing a double yellow line, and entering a lane of oncoming traffic to pass a vehicle. A check of the vehicle tag revealed the U-Haul truck was reported stolen on December 19th. Officers then initiated a traffic stop on the truck and detained both occupants, including Wofford. Upon further investigation, Wofford was discovered to be the one renting the U-Haul that was supposed to be returned on December 17th. Hillary Wofford was taken into custody for theft of a motor vehicle on December 20th.

Tamya Hill refuses to be removed from patrol car, spits in police officer’s face

25-year-old Tamya Hill was involved in an altercation with the first responding officers at West Hamilton Avenue on December 16th. Officers received a call that a woman was waving around a knife inside of a halfway house. Upon arriving, officers spoke with the residents of the halfway house, and they said that Hill had failed a drug test, so they told her that she had to leave. That infuriated Hill, so she grabbed a knife and began waving it around like she was going to use it. The residents of the halfway house produced a video of Hill yelling and waving the knife around. The officers made contact with Hill and detained her. They began to pat her down for any weapon, but she started kicking and screaming. Suddenly, Hill sat down and refused to stand up when instructed to. Officers attempted to lift her off the ground, but she began to pull away from them and resist with force. While placing Hill into the patrol car, she continued to resist and intentionally kicked Officer Nicholas Sloan in the leg. Hill later spit in the back of the patrol car, vandalizing it. In the secure garage at booking, Hill refused to leave the patrol car and violently resisted officers’ attempts to remove her from the vehicle. Hill grabbed onto a seatbelt and trapped her feet underneath the seat to prevent officers from removing her from the car. Hill then spit in the face of Officer Timothy Mclaughlin when he was trying to pull her feet from the seat.

Julia Lange charged with assault of her friend at Margaritaville hotel in Nashville

49-year-old Julia Lange was seen by security at Margaritaville Hotel on Rep John Lewis Way slapping Melinda Olson in the face several times. They told police of the incident when they arrived on Friday morning. Security also told police that she took Melinda’s key card to the hotel room and left Melinda in the lobby. Melinda was escorted back upstairs, and when Julia answered the door, she was verbally abusive towards Melinda. Police heard a scuffle inside as well as a voice saying, “I will kill you,” and “Why did you hit me?” Then they heard a slapping sound, they knocked, and Julia opened the door. Inside, police could see Melinda lying on the room floor with blood on her face and knee. When they asked Melinda what happened, she told police that Julia hit her in the face. Police observed injuries to Melinda’s knee, nose, and neck. Melinda had no injuries before entering the room. Julia was determined to be the primary aggressor and was charged with domestic assault.