Alexa Rose Zuroff punches roommate’s door, threatens her during argument

33-year-old Alexa Rose Zuroff had a domestic altercation with her roommate, Ariana Zuroff, at their 26th Avenue North apartment on July 17th. Upon arrival, officers spoke with Ariana, who stated she returned home to check on Alexa after receiving concerning text messages. Then, Ariana said, when she approached Alexa, an argument ensued. During the argument, Alexa shouted threats and expletives. During this, Ariana locked herself in the bedroom. Alexa then tried forcing open the bedroom door but could not. Ariana told the police that this placed her in fear of being attacked. When officers spoke with Alexa, she admitted to punching Ariana’s door. Then, Alexa Zuroff was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Chad Kates speeds down Rosa Parks Boulevard at 80 mph in Chevy Spark, tells police his car “only has 100 horsepower”

23-year-old Chad Kates was seen in a silver 2018 Chevy Spark speeding out of the Waffle House parking lot on Clarksville Pike at 5 a.m. on July 13th. The vehicle was seen driving so recklessly that officers believed it was stolen. Officers followed the car while it continued to accelerate at a high speed. The vehicle was observed committing numerous traffic violations while pulling away from officers going 80 mph. Officers noted that the Chevy Spark was going at least double the speed limit on Rosa Parks Boulevard. In fear for the safety of other drivers, they activated their emergency lights in an attempt to stop the car. The vehicle was very slow to stop, but it eventually stopped on Athens Way. When officers made contact with the driver, who was later identified as Kates, they asked him if he had any reason to be a driver that fast. Kates responded that his car “only has 100 horsepower” and denied doing anything wrong. Upon further investigation, it was found that according to General Motors, a Chevy Spark’s top speed is about 117 mph. Using this information, officers determined that Kates was driving near the maximum speed his car can travel. Chad Kates was taken into custody and charged with drag racing and reckless endangerment.

Adam Chantarumporn destroys intimate partner’s cigarettes during argument

41-year-old Adam Chantarumporn was seen vandalizing Dustin Hall’s, one of his intimate partners, property at their Herman Street apartment residence on July 5th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Hall, who stated that he and Chantarumporn argued about slamming doors inside their residence. Hall also advised officers that Chantarumporn had approached and pushed him during the argument. Officers then spoke with Chantarumporn, who claimed that Hall was actually the one who had pushed him during the argument. Officers could not verify either of the statements as there were no marks on either chest to corroborate their statements. While speaking with officers, Hall advised that Chantarumporn destroyed his cigarettes when the argument ended. When asked about the cigarettes, Chantarumporn admitted throwing Hall’s cigarettes down the garbage disposal because he was mad at him. Chantarumporn also admitted that he purchased the cigarettes for Hall and noted that he does not smoke. Based on the admission of guilt of the destroyed property, Chantarumporn was taken into custody for vandalism.

DUI: Ayante’ Williams attempts to call “The State of Tennessee” after crashing her car

23-year-old Ayante’ Williams was involved in a multi-vehicle accident on Rosa L Parks Boulevard near the I-65 North Entrance Ramp in the early hours of June 19th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Williams and asked for her driver’s credentials, during which she started making nonsensical statements and discussing irrelevant topics. Williams repeatedly mentioned how her mother was “a federal agent” and “worked for the state of Tennessee.” Then, she stated she was trying to call “The State of Tennessee” and seemed surprised that no one was answering. Williams also asked police if she could use the restroom because she “knew” they had them in their vehicle. Officers noticed she reeked of alcohol and showed signs of intoxication, so they prompted her with sobriety tests. Williams consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. Williams was transported to Nashville General Hospital for a blood draw and later taken into custody for driving under the influence.

Brandy Morin attempts to flee police after being caught with out-of-county warrants

40-year-old Brandy Morin was caught with out-of-county warrants at Charlotte Avenue on June 14th. When officers arrived after being called for backup, they observed Morin trying to hide herself in front of a van. After making eye contact with law enforcement, Morin attempted to run away, causing a brief foot chase. Once Morin was caught, officers tried to cuff her, but she refused to put her arms behind her back. After several attempts to wrestle away from officers, Morin was placed under arrest. While speaking to Morin, she admitted that she ran because she had warrants for her arrest. Brandy Morin was then taken into custody and charged with resisting arrest and evading arrest.

Jarrod Gosse smacks daughter, pulls hair out of wife’s head during drunk altercation

53-year-old Jarrod Jon Gosse had a domestic incident with his wife, Michelle Gosse, and his daughter, Alexandra Gosse, at Alexandra’s 6th Avenue North residence late March 21st. Michelle and Alexandra spoke with officers when they arrived and advised them that they were out partying with Jarrod. When they returned to her house, he was intoxicated and became irate for no reason. Jarrod smacked Alexandra in the face, causing her nose to start bleeding, which woke up her mom. Michelle tried to intervene and stop the altercation, during which he started hitting and pushing her. Jarrod then pulled a large wad of hair from Michelle’s head before fleeing the scene. Michelle and Alexandria left, and when they returned, they noticed the front door had been kicked in. Jarrod returned to the scene, and then the officers were provided text messages showing him admitting to breaking into the residence. He was highly intoxicated and could not remember what had happened. Gosse was taken into custody for two counts of domestic assault and aggravated criminal trespassing.

Jacob Marsden drives into an unrelated DUI traffic stop… while also intoxicated

Metro Nashville Police were conducting a DUI investigation in a parking lot with another individual when 25-year-old Jacob Marsden drove his grey Ford F-150 into the same parking lot of the closed business. Officers advised him the business was closed, and he gave a confused look in response, prompting officers to see if he needed further assistance. Marsden reportedly had slurred speech, could not form coherent sentences, and was unable to walk without assistance. He told police his anxiety and depression were causing his impairment; despite this, he refused all medical assistance offered. He reportedly reeked of alcohol, refused all sobriety testing, and was transported to booking.

DUI: Alexandra Knox hits parked car, tells officers she “Doesn’t drink alcohol at all”

39-year-old Alexandra Knox was involved in a vehicle crash on November 15th near Clifton Avenue. She was visibly intoxicated but told the officer she “doesn’t drink alcohol at all.” The officers then found a cup of alcohol in her vehicle’s cup holder. Knox was then asked how she managed to crash into a parked car; she responded that she was looking at her phone while driving and left her traffic lane. Knox was asked to SFTs and showed multiple indicators of impairment. Knox was then taken into custody and charged with DUI.

Washington Tourist Craig Snyder drunk and lost on Jefferson Street near King’s Market

51-year-old Craig Snyder approached a patrolling Officer on September 28th on Jefferson St., asking for help. Snyder showed visible signs of intoxication and stated he needed help getting back home. When asked where his home was, he said, “Washington”. After further questioning, Snyder said he was visiting Nashville and was unable to locate the hotel he was staying at. Snyder was asked if anyone could assist him with where he stayed, and he replied, “my wife.” When contacted, she informed the officer that she was in Washington. Snyder was deemed too intoxicated to care for himself due to having no one to care for him, not knowing his hotel location, inability to walk or stand, and admitting to being intoxicated.

Danielle N. Marx jailed after waking boyfriend up by punching him in face, per report

40-year-old Danielle N. Marx woke her ex-boyfriend up by punching him in the face, according to what he told police when they arrived at the residence on Thursday morning. The ex-boyfriend, Eric Schwieterman, told police there is tension between them because they are going through a breakup. Police reported that there was bruising around Eric’s eye. Eric said that he pushed her and left the apartment after she punched him. Danielle told the police that nothing physical happened between her and Eric. The police told Danielle they would arrest her for domestic assault, and she began changing her story several times, stating that she was attacked. She had no visible injuries, but Eric did, so she was determined to be the primary aggressor.