William McFarland III, 25, tells police he licked 16-year-old boy’s butthole during sex

25-year-old William McFarland III had inappropriate relations with a 16-year-old male on June 3rd. The 16-year-old’s mother alerted the authorities, advising them that when she returned home from work, she discovered her son was wearing nothing but a robe while greeting her in the hallway, which she found odd. Then, she went to his bedroom and found McFarland III hiding in his closet, so she called the police. When officers arrived, she told them McFarland III was still on the scene, so they detained and Mirandized him. Under Miranda, McFarland waived his rights and agreed to provide officers with a statement. McFarland III stated that he and the 16-year-old male met about three years ago via Instagram and met in person at a concert sometime last year. McFarland III showed officers their messages from today, coordinating how and when he would come to the residence. Then, McFarland III said that they both received and performed oral sex to each other. McFarland III also noted that he “licked his butthole” but did not anally penetrate him. On McFarland III’s Snapchat, he and the 16-year-old exchanged explicit photos and talked about what sexual acts they wanted to do. McFarland III was taken into custody for statutory rape.

Eder Cordero Altamirano records himself raping a 14-year-old girl

18-year-old Eder Uriel Cordero Altamirano was taken into custody for sexual exploitation of a minor and statutory rape on May 14th. Eder met a 14-year-old female through mutual friends earlier in the year. On February 17th, shortly after midnight, he picked her up and brought her to his Mercury Drive residence, where he recorded the two having consensual intercourse. The victim denied being aware that Eder was recording. On May 10th, during an interview, Altamirano admitted to engaging in sexual intercourse, recording it, and sending it to the 14-year-old. He is four years, five months, and three days older than her. He was detained for the incident.

Selvin Pop-Mac gets 12-year-old pregnant

23-year-old Selvin Adelso Pop-Mac was taken into custody for statutory rape on April 23rd. Officers were called to the Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital, where they were advised that a 15-year-old mother arrived with her boyfriend/ father of her child, Pop-Mac, regarding a medical issue with their nearly 2-year-old child. Upon arrival, officers spoke to the 15-year-old, who stated she lied to Pop-Mac when they first met, telling him she was 19. She added that he later discovered her age, and they had been living together for the last five months. She said that they have had sex more than “that one time.” When officers talked to Pop-Mac, he corroborated the juvenile’s statements, advising that since they had been living together, he had been aware of her age and admitted to having sex with her. He was then taken into custody.

Savannah Grantt, 24, jailed after having sex with 17-year-old boyfriend

24-year-old Savannah Grantt had an altercation at her residence with an underage male whom she had been intimate with on January 29th. Officers initially responded to a domestic in progress, arrived, and discovered the age disparity, with him being 17 and her 24. He and Grantt argued over her seeing someone else, and it escalated physically. The juvenile’s mother was present and advised officers that Grantt and her son were in a sexual relationship. The juvenile victim told them that they had been dating for 8-9 months and had sex regularly in Wilson and Davidson County. Grantt admitted to having oral sex with him in the past after knowing his age but denied any penile intercourse. She said that they only had sex in Wilson County, and when asked why specifically there, she replied, “They did it where they could.” Due to her admission and JV’s age, Grantt was taken into custody for statutory rape.

Jose Garcia-Franco charged with statutory rape of minor

22-year-old Jose Antonio Garcia-Franco went to the apartments on Millwood Drive, where his minor ex-girlfriend resides, to make amends with her and her family on December 4th. Officers arrived and spoke with the minor victim, who stated she had been dating Garcia-Franco for about a year. She advised she is 17 years old and that they have been sexually active for the entirety of their relationship.

Garcia-Franco was transported and interviewed at Metro Nashville Police Department headquarters. He stated he lived with the victim and her family at their apartment. He advised that he knows that the victim is 17 years old and asked for her parent’s permission to date her, which they granted. Garcia-Franco and the victim had sexual intercourse approximately 30 times throughout their relationship. He said that he returned to the residence to make amends with the parents to continue their relationship, but they instead called the police.

The victim’s mother advised that Garcia-Franco lived with her family for about a year and that he and her daughter began dating and having sexual intercourse. She stated the relationship ended about two months ago, and Garcia-Franco came by to make amends, but she called the police. Garcia-Franco was transported for a mandatory HIV blood draw and was taken into custody for statutory rape.

Torrean Smith charged with statutory rape of juvenile

Police say 21-year-old Torrean Smith had sexual relations with a juvenile on August 19. The juvenile reported to the police that she and Torrean had intercourse in the back seat of a vehicle once after Hermitage patrol officers caught them at Lock Two Park.

Vanderbilt Ph.D. Student Hellen Valencia Lemos charged in attempted statutory rape and sexual assault of minor

24-year-old Hellen Valencia Lemos M.S. (a Ph.D. Student at Vanderbilt) was indicted by the Davidson County Grand Jury on the 26th of July. Hellen was charged with attempted statutory rape by an authority figure and three counts of sexual battery. The indictment states that Hellen engaged in attempted sexual penetration with a minor between 13 and 18 years old from January 2022 to June 2022. Also, it states that she was in a position of authority over the minor.

IndyCar fan Kenneth Wasson charged in rape of child via Grindr in Nashville

39-year-old Kenneth Wasson met a 15-year-old girl on Grindr and talked her into sex by offering to explain the JROTC program. The juvenile girl spoke with the police and told them she met Kenneth on the Grindr dating app. Kenneth told her that he was in the Army and wanted to speak with her about the JROTC program, but he said it would be better to do so in person. She said that he arrived at her house on July 26th and explained the JROTC program, then he put his hand on her knee. He then rubbed up her leg until he pulled down her pants, used his mouth during a sex act, and then had sex with the victim. Once he finished, he pulled his pants up and left the residence. She said that he texted her two pictures of himself nude after the sexual encounter and sent a message saying, “We need to get together again; once wasn’t enough.”

On August 2nd, detectives were present when Kenneth texted the juvenile female admitting to having sex with her and when he said, “And maybe hit me up when you hit 18.” Wasson’s social media includes recent photos of him with underage children at IndyCar racing events, such as the one happening in Nashville this weekend.

Adam Jordan Pritchard indicted on ten counts of sexual contact with a child

42-year-old Adam J. Pritchard is jailed in lieu of a $250,000 bond after the Grand Jury indicted him on two counts of statutory rape and eight counts of sexual battery of a then 15-year-old child. The indictment alleged that in 2020 was in a position of trust or power over the victim and engaged in unlawful sexual contact eight times and engaged in statutory rape twice during that period.

Jasmine Clark, 28, charged in felony statutory rape of her alleged teenage lover

29-year-old Jasmine Clark is charged with the felony aggravated statutory rape of her alleged lover, a 17-year-old male victim. The age difference between the two is eleven years and 17 days. The victim says he met Jasmine in November 2021 and dated until February 2022, and had sexual relations approximately every other day. Witnesses confirmed the victim would sleep in the bedroom with Jasmine in the apartment they shared; however, Jasmine claims she made him sleep on the floor. Officers were made aware of the relationship when Jasmine completed a report with MNPD stating the two were in a relationship after she was transported to Skyline Hospital. She also claimed to believe he was 21 or 19 years old.