DUI: Soldier Dustin Lehrke had five drinks and a muscle relaxer before driving

26-year-old Fort Campbell soldier Dustin Lehrke told police he had taken a muscle relaxer and drank five alcoholic beverages within the timespan of one hour as he traveled through a St. Patrick’s Day roadblock near Lewis County Store late Friday night. As he spoke with officer Groeneweg, he was “robotic” in his responses and showed multiple signs of intoxication. He performed poorly on two of the field sobriety tests and was taken into custody. A blood draw was completed at a nearby hospital.

Braidon Barbe — stripped naked to dance in the Symphony Fountain in downtown Nashville

23-year-old Braidon Barbe was one of several men completely naked in the fountain at 1 Symphony Place in downtown Nashville early Sunday morning. He was without pants or undwear as Officer Groeneweg observed him exit the fountain and attempt to get dressed. He told officers, “I’m drunk!” and was taken into custody for public intoxication and public indecency.

“My internal voice told me not to smoke today” says woman charged with marijuana DUI — Karina Garcia Betancourt

When stopped by police, 21-year-old Karin Garcia Betancourt told officers her internal voice told her not to smoke marijuana today, but she says she did it anyway because it helps with her anxiety and to be more outgoing in her job as a waitress at a local Mexican restaurant. She was initially pulled over Thursday afternoon for going 79 in a 55 mph zone, but officers quickly determined she was under the influence of marijuana while driving. She gave officers the remaining roaches and blunts she had in the vehicle and was charged with DUI, drug possession, and driving without a license. The MNPD Officer noted she was “cooperative and friendly during the interaction” and she thoroughly explained how she was in the “process of cutting back from daily marijuana usage to weekly usage, with the eventual goal of no marijuana usage”. She is free on pre-trial release.

Woman sits on road with her child amid traffic after rear-ending another driver, screaming she’s a racist

Metro Police say 31-year-old Brittany Trice rear-ended a car in South Nashville, exited her vehicle, screamed at the other driver calling her a racist, yelled at passing by vehicles, then retrieved her 5-year-old daughter from her car and sat in the middle of traffic on the busy road for a few minutes in some weird act of defiance before fleeing the scene.

Hermitage musician overdoses behind the wheel, crashes on I-40 East

45-year-old musician Shannon McClung was charged with driving under the influence and unlawful possession of a controlled substance after he crashed his vehicle on Interstate 40 and it was later revealed that he overdosed on narcotics while behind the wheel.

Nashville man blows over double legal limit after a night of darts and drinks

21-year-old Jordan Powell was charged with driving under the influence after swerving while driving on Charlotte Pike after coming back from a bar in Robertson County that led to his hazardous driving and arrest near Nashville Christian School.

Cinco de Mayo DUI Checkpoint: Woman admits to drinking for 12 hours

22-year-old Maria Harper was charged with driving under the influence after she tried pulling into a gas station to avoid a DUI checkpoint on Cinco de Mayo. She told officers she was trying to buy cigarettes at the gas station that was closed and later admitted to drinking for 12 hours that day.

Nashville man bites woman’s face multiple times; charged with domestic assault

35-year-old Dedrick Butler was charged with domestic assault after he bit the victim multiple times in the face and shoulder.

Man, too drunk for Play Dance Bar, attempts to break out patrol car window after arrest

23-year-old Zachary J. Minton is charged with public intoxication, vandalism, and resisting arrest, after Metro Police say he was at Play Dance Bar when he vandalized a stranger’s car, pushing officers who were attempting to arrest him, and eventually attempted to kick the window out of the patrol car several times once inside.