27-year-old Calvin Woods Jr., who prefers to be known as ‘Big Geeche’, and has a recent release titled “Found Guilty”, is once again charged with assaulting a lover. In this most recent case, his girlfriend, Cayla Yates, called 911 to report he grabbed her by the throat with both hands as she attempted to stop him from taking a pair of AirPods, which he had bought for her, from her purse. She eventually grabbed a knife in what she describes as “self-defense”, and says he cut his own hand by grabbing it. Woods told police during an interview that he only pushed her away when she pulled a knife on him. He was determined to be the primary aggressor and was taken into custody. He is charged with aggravated assault/strangulation and is free on a $10,000 bond.
In 2018, Woods was charged with the assault of a former girlfriend after police documented laceration injuries of the female he wrestled to the ground and tossed her phone in a dumpster so she couldn’t call 911. DA Glenn Funk retired those charges, as long as he promised to not get in trouble again. A few months later, Woods was charged with dragging the same girlfriend across the floor by her hair in front of children, after he punched her in the face multiple times. Police also documented those injures, but DA Glenn Funk refused to move forward with the prosecution in July of this year when the girlfriend backed out of testifying, despite the already collected evidence.