32-year-old David Hogan admits to driving from “somewhere on Broadway” to near Lipscomb University, and taking “a few shots” along the way. When police responded to the area, they located him leaning against a fence in the backyard of a residence, with his arm through the neck hole of his shirt, and profusely sweating. Neighbors say he left his car parked with its hazards on while he was drunkenly roaming through the neighborhood. He blew a 0.139 BAC.
Tag: 55-10-401
Teacher blows .220 BAC & crashes car after “4-5 drinks” at Tin Roof Bar: Samira Hardcastle
26-year-old Samira Hardcastle, a 6th-grade math & science teacher, was charged with DUI early Saturday after admitting to police she had 4-5 drinks at Tin Roof Bar before crashing her car on her way home. She blew a .220 BAC on a breathalyzer.
DUI Ridin’ Dirty: Man tosses beer bottle out window, lies about it, admits it; asks for lawyer, talks anyway — Jamie Levitt
Metro Police say 33-year-old Jamie Levitt was driving 83 in a 55 mph zone at 6:52 p.m. on Friday when he suddenly crossed four lanes of traffic while merging from I-440E onto I-40. As an officer attempted to conduct a traffic stop, Levitt reportedly tossed a beer bottle out the window, then denied it, then eventually admitted it. He asked for a lawyer but then continued telling the officer about how his intoxication. He blew a 0.103 BAC.
DUI: Man found asleep behind wheel at intersection, admits to drinking — Jared Beard
24-year-old Jared Beard was found asleep behind the wheel of his car at an intersection just south of downtown Nashville and admitted to drinking prior to driving. Police say he agreed to a breathalyzer, a demonstrated he could blow hard enough, however, when his lips met the actual machine, he wouldn’t blow hard enough for it to register. He also urinated on himself multiple times while speaking to police, and in the back of a patrol car.
DUI: Man drives wrong way toward officer on a closed road, refuses breathalyzer, demands lawyer: Trevor Adamson
34-year-old Trevor Seth Adamson is charged with DUI after police say he drove the wrong way down a closed one-way street with no lights on toward a marked police car while drunk.
DUI: Jacob Brown says he made a “stupid mistake”, police say he was “on the nod”
Police say 21-year-old Jacob Taylor Brown was “on the nod” when they found him at a stop sign in North Nashville, where he was observed in his vehicle leaning over, slowing coming back up, looking around, and going back down again. He would not elaborate on what drug he was using, only that he had made a “stupid mistake”.
Woman charged with DUI after drinking a bottle of wine, backing into a parked car
28-year-old Julia Harper is charged with DUI after she admittedly drunk a bottle’s worth of wine then backed into a car in a parking lot. She blew a 0.144 BAC, nearly twice the legal limit.
DUI: Hooters Girl asleep behind the wheel, hits the gas when police use air horn to wake her up #TikTok
21-year-old Mya Peterson, who has over 100,000 followers on TikTok(@that_mixeddchickk) where she’s gone viral from dancing in her Hooters Girl work uniform, was found asleep behind the wheel early Friday morning, heavily intoxicated after stopping at a local bar to have “four or five shots” after work. Police boxed in her car, shook her car, even used an airhorn to attempt to wake her.
DUI: Man crashes into a parked vehicle — Thomas Pontes says he had “just a few”
28-year-old Thomas Pontes told police he had “just a few” drinks at a bar with friends before attempting to drive home. He crashed into a parked car on a neighborhood street in South Nashville.
DUI: Woman “exhausted from work” took cocaine “that might have been meth” & “a lot of weed”
27-year-old Megan Hoover is charged with DUI after she crashed at I-24 & Haywood Lane Sunday. She told officers she was exhausted from work, and had smoked “a lot of weed”, taken suboxone earlier that morning, and had done what she initially believed to be cocaine, but now believes it was methamphetamine. Before falling asleep during transport she was talking to someone who wasn’t there.